Friday, 28 December 2012

Meeting Thirteen

Having created an anamatic, we began editing!! This was very exciting for all of us as so much work had gone into the shoots and planning, so to start editing feels like we are getting closer to seeing our finished video.

Meeting Eleven & Twelve ANAMATIC

I was not able to attend meeting eleven but was caught up from the members of the group when returning. In these meetings we created an anamatic. This is our storyboard, that were drawn on post-it notes, put in a digital form. This is so we can see what our music video would look like.

This is the anamatic that we made. 

Meeting Ten

In this group meeting we uploaded all of our footage onto the computer. This took up a long time of the lesson.

Meeting Nine

In this meeting we tied up any loose ends to anything that we were unsure of, which were not many things. We decided to learn to make origami boats as one of our props to take on the shoot. At the same time as doing this Ella uploaded some test footage that we had taken earlier on in November. Making origami boats wasn't only helpful to the props that we needed but Anna and I thoroughly enjoyed making them; although it did take us a few attempts to make them correctly. 

Meeting Eight

In this meeting we collated all of out storyboard post-it notes that we had done individually. We discussed and planned the order which they were going to be in. After doing this we stuck them all in a notebook; making each page a different location and scene. This was to enable us to take out storyboard on the shoots with us and not having them mixed up or disorganized. Now that we have finished this we are confident to film.

Meeting Seven

We sorted out the following things in this meeting:
  • Allocating parts of the lyrics to storyboard, to make it quicker to do.
  • Making finding and making sure that our male actor was available for the days we needed him. 
  •  Determining the dates to shoot, when we were all free and when our actors were free also.
  • Planning what days we can shoot in different locations, so that we can be efficient when shooting and filming locations that are close to each other.
  •  Checking the weather on the dates we wanted to shoot, as most are filmed outdoors. 
Hopefully we are planning to have our storyboard finished and collated together by the end of this week. As we wanted to start shooting this Sunday, 2nd December; the other date of filming would be Tuesday 4th December.  

Meeting Six

In this lesson we had began story boarding on post-it notes. This is a very easy, quick and efficient way of beginning to storyboard as we are able to adjust the order of the shots easily.  We also listed the locations we want to shoot in and a props list. 

Meeting Five

In today's lesson we deconstructed our lyrics, this was to be able to give ourselves a plan on what our storyboard would be. We took each line/verse at a time and envisioned, discussed and liaised our ideas as to what the location was and what would be happening with our main character in that particular moment of the song. What we had done in this group meeting was essentially the basis of our storyboard in note form. As we were imagining all the shots and ideas that we had related to the lyrics. As we were doing this activity we decided that our lyrics and the shots/narrative of the song are going to be synchronized to a certain extent. We all thought that it would be best if we had a male character within the video as well. From this discussion we started to think of all the prospects of actors that we could use. I think doing this today was very helpful and productive as i know feel we would be confident as to what we are doing in each location and being more time efficient; whereas just going to different location and filming slightly unplanned. This had given us a structure as to what we are now going to do and film. By the end of this meeting we began to storyboard.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Fashion & Casting

This is a WIX that I have made in order to show our cast members and the different costumes for all the different locations. 

Click here to view the Wix:

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Day Two Filming

Tuesday 4th December- Malory's House: bedroom & Street

Day two of filming was a good quick day of fiming, which only took 2 and half hours. 
In this shoot we got the main individual shots of Malory.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Day One Filming

Sunday 2nd Decemeber - Richmond Park & Kingston Christmas Market 

I have created a Prezi to show the progression of day one of filming. When creating this presentation I used an image from Richmond Park as a background, This has showed the progress of the day through having a pathway through the meadows of the trees into the sun.

Monday, 3 December 2012


These are some of the initial locations that we noted down when changing our idea and thought were very good to shoot. There are also dates of Christmas activities that are taking place in London; Christmas lights being turned on in town and Winter Wonderland. I have also created a Glogster that shows all the images of the different locations we want to use.