Friday 28 December 2012

Meeting Seven

We sorted out the following things in this meeting:
  • Allocating parts of the lyrics to storyboard, to make it quicker to do.
  • Making finding and making sure that our male actor was available for the days we needed him. 
  •  Determining the dates to shoot, when we were all free and when our actors were free also.
  • Planning what days we can shoot in different locations, so that we can be efficient when shooting and filming locations that are close to each other.
  •  Checking the weather on the dates we wanted to shoot, as most are filmed outdoors. 
Hopefully we are planning to have our storyboard finished and collated together by the end of this week. As we wanted to start shooting this Sunday, 2nd December; the other date of filming would be Tuesday 4th December.  

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