Sunday 9 September 2012

Reviewing our Opening Sequence

Through doing my opening sequence last year I haven’t learnt many things that I would now do differently going into this music video process. 

Blogging: A main part which we didn’t do was blogging at the same time as we were working, this was our group blog as well as our individual blogs. This is something crucial that I will do differently in the next project. It was difficult trying to remember things that we were doing instead of writing them a the same time.
I think that with our opening sequence the concept was over thought which made it become very difficult and complex. What I learnt from this was that keeping something simple can be just as effective if it is executed well.

I feel that although we like the locations that we filmed our opening sequence in, various places in London, I think that due to the fact that the locations were far away and we managed to film in one day; if we needed to do any pick up shots that would have been difficult for us to do. Alongside this fact I also think that obviously with any editing it is difficult to keep nice continuity but because we had major landmarks in our opening, it was extremely important that we needed to get a majority of the shots accurate.

A slight issue that I would hope to overcome this year is the amount of work that all members of the team put into the project. This year I hope that we could overcome this problem as it became difficult calibrating all schedules together. This year hopefully we will be able to distribute the work loads evenly. 

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